- Execution, Bossidy and Charan
- Jesus-CEO, Jones
- Swim with the Sharks, without being Eaten Alive, Mackay
- The First 90 Days, Watkins
- The Tipping Point, Gladwell
- The Winning Way, Jack Welch
- You’re in Charge, Now What? Neff and Citrin
- Who Says Elephants Can’t Dance, Gerstner
Children’s Ministry
- Children’s Ministry That Works, Group
- Give Me Jesus, Frank
- Leadership Essentials, Jutila
- Making Your Children’s Ministry the Best Hour of Every Kid’s Week, Miller and Staal
- Resilient, Bell
- Rock Solid Kids, Fowler
- Spiritual Growth of Children, Focus on the Family
- The Gift of the Blessing, Smalley
- Think Orange, Joiner
- Too Small to Ignore, Stafford
- Whose Child is This, Wilson
Church/Spiritual Leadership
- Being Leaders, Malphurs
- Building leaders, Malphurs
- Called to be God’s Leader, Blackaby
- Church Administration, Welch
- Competent to Lead, Gangel
- Discerning God’s Will Together, Barton
- Feeding & Leading, Gangel
- Leading Leaders, Malphurs
- Management of Your Church, Lungdren and Shawchuck
- Servant Leadership, Greenleaf
- Saint Peter’s Principles, Lillback
- Spiritual Leadership, Blackaby
- Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership, Barton
- The Gathering Storm in the Churches, Hadden
- Dealing with Difficult Teachers, Whitaker
- Educating Clergy, Jossey-Bass
- Learning in Adulthood, Jossey-Bass
- Motivating & Inspiring Teachers, Whitaker
- Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Freire
- What Do Great Principals Do Differently, Whitaker
- What the Best College Teachers Do, Bain
- 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Covey
- Christian Reflections on the Leadership Challenge, Kouzes and Posner
- Death by Meeting, Lencioni
- First Things First, Covey
- Geeks & Geezers, Bennis and Thomas
- Getting Things Done, Allen
- Kotler on Marketing, Kotler
- Leaders Eat Last, Sinek
- Leadership, Northouse
- Leading Change, Kotter
- Principal Centered Leadership, Covey
- Start with Why, Sinek
- The 8th Habit, Covey
- The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Lencioni
- The Five Temptations of a CEO, Lencioni
- The Four Obsessions of an Extraordinary Executive, Lencioni
- The Fred Factor, Sanborn
- The Leader in You, Carnegie
- The Leadership Pill, Blanchard
- The Leadership Challenge, Kouzes and Posner
- What Would Machiavelli Do? Bing
- Who Moved My Cheese? Johnson